Alumni Survivor Acknowledgement Govt Apology
Dear Alumni,
On behalf of the School Trust Board, I want to acknowledge the Government’s apology yesterday (12 November 2024) as well as the apology by the Opposition to survivors of abuse suffered while in state care, churches and other faith-based institutions.
As an Anglican school, the Government’s apology is significant for our former students who suffered historical abuses while learning and boarding at St. Peter’s.
The St. Peter’s School Trust Board unreservedly echoes the Government’s apology. Once again we want to say how deeply sorry we are to each of our alumni who experienced sexual, physical, emotional and verbal abuse at the hands of staff, other adults and fellow students while in our care.
Three years ago in November 2021, St. Peter’s Cambridge School Trust Board offered a formal acknowledgement and apology to alumni abuse survivors. Since that time, I’ve had dozens of survivors contact me personally. I’ve been humbled that some of these former students have trusted me enough to share their harrowing abuse experiences with me.
It’s difficult to find the right words to describe the abuse these people suffered as vulnerable children who were entrusted into the school’s care. Appalling. Shocking. Traumatic. Sickening. Unspeakable.
Our School Trust Board agrees that our school must face up to these true, lived experiences by our alumni survivors – experiences that have profoundly affected many for much of their life. You deserved so, so much better.
To these survivors, the School Trust Board wants you to know you have our continued and unyielding support.
The independent, confidential Listening Service remains available by emailing
We are resolute in our backing of every survivor who chooses to report their experiences to New Zealand Police and will fully cooperate with all Police investigations.
Our School Trust Board also wants to recognise, however, that words of apology and support alone can often feel empty. Some of our alumni survivors desire – and deserve – financial redress.
St. Peter’s welcomes the Government’s confirmation yesterday that a new single redress system will be operating in 2025. While St. Peter’s Cambridge is expected to be mandated to participate in this redress programme, we want our alumni survivors to know that we will participate willingly and gladly.
The Government also announced yesterday that 12 November 2025 will be a National Remembrance Day for survivors of abuse in state care. St. Peter’s Cambridge is planning our own alumni survivor remembrance event on that day. More details will be shared with alumni and our school community from mid-year 2025.
Again, in recognition of this momentous Government apology, our thoughts remain with St. Peters’ alumni survivors, those still living and those who are deceased, during this time.
John Macaskill-Smith
St. Peter’s Trust Board Chairperson