St. Peter's foundation

Since St. Peter’s School opened in 1936, it has been supported by the generosity of its community.
The St. Peter’s Foundation Board, established in 2000, is the school’s philanthropic and fundraising body. It exists to foster and grow giving that supports the current and future priorities of the school through the provision of new and improved educational and learning opportunities. Working with school and our community means the Foundation can make a difference to the lives of current and future students and families.
Our objectives
Since its inception, the Foundation Board, through the generosity of many, has contributed to a wide range of projects and initiatives, including the Brock Pool, Robb Sports Centre, restoration of the Chapel pipe organ, and scholarships.
- - Provide bursary support to students who would otherwise not have the opportunity to attend and flourish at St. Peter’s.
- - To provide educational allowances and scholarships to teaching and other staff in order to support the development of new teaching methods and the cultural environment of the school.
- - Attract, administer and coordinate all contributions to the school.
- - Develop and enhance a culture of philanthropy, fellowship and community.
- - When requested by the school, administer and coordinate funding for new special capital projects.

who we are

Support the Foundation
Thank you for your interest in supporting current and future students of St. Peter’s School. Here are some of the ways you can support the Foundation:
- - Contribute to our bursary fund.
- - Contribute to our endowment fund so we can invest and grow a sustainable source of income to meet any number of school initiatives, including bursaries, scholarships and building projects.
- - Leave a gift in your Will as a lasting legacy that will have a profound impact on the lives of current and future students.
To discuss how you may support the Foundation please contact:
supporting st. peter's >